Sage Construction Management

Your all-in-one construction platform
En savoir plus

Estimating and Bid Management

Create estimates from scratch, from imported spreadsheets, or from previous estimates. Multiple estimators can work on the same estimate at the same time, or you can create multiple estimates to save your revisions and easily organize them into different categories. Attach documents, add markups, and integrate RFP packages with ease. You can also move drawings, specifications, correspondence, and more, directly to the project once awarded.

Estimating and Bid Management

Built for collaboration and mobility

Manage all your project operations from one platform with real-time data so you can make quick and informed decisions.

Built for collaboration and mobility


Keep close tabs on your timelines and assign tasks directly from the schedule.


Track Drawings and Specifications

The built-in document viewer and markup tool let you highlight areas of interest and add notes. The document viewer supports up to 50 file formats including images, CAD files, and PDF’s, and is available on the Sage Construction Management platform, mobile app, and TeamLink Portal.

Organize Contracts

Set up job cost codes, client and prime contracts, and budgets with built-in wizards. Sage Construction Management supports several contract types: fixed lump sum, cost plus, or unit price, and allows you to budget by contract amount, internal cost budgets, labor hours, and equipment hours. Invoices can be exported directly to your accounting and ERP system.

Import, Export and Sync options

Built-in wizards help you set up job cost codes, client and prime contracts, and budgets. All these can be imported and exported with a click of a button, and with the TeamLink Portal you can securely share business data and documents with external team members, sub-contractors, or vendors.

Import, Export and Sync options

Sage Intacct

More information about Sage Construction Management for Sage Intacct is available on the Sage Intacct Marketplace.

Sage Intacct

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