Intelligent Data Capture
Automatically recognizes document types from a wide range of sources/inputs and performs extensive data extraction and validation including detailed line-item data. Includes 'Click Indexing' which enables users to simply "mouse-over" any text on the page and add value to set of extracted data. Includes numerous data correction and validation features. Automatically translates extracted data into over 60 different languages.

Sage - Automated Data Entry
Automatically and accurately enter both data captured from documents as well as the documents directly into Sage. Automated data entry is both instant and eliminates entry errors. Data and document capture and Sage entry is fully customizable to match specific customer and account requirements. DocRecord's integration, based on REST API, enables bidirectional communication facilitating easy creation and updating of data and documents in the Sage environment.

Extensive Workflow Capabilities
DocRecord has comprehensive work and business process automation capabilities that enable custom, complex conditional-test workflows. These automated work and business processes lower operational costs, reduces errors, and improves both workforce efficiencies and customer satisfaction. These extensive automation and workflow capabilities can be designed for your whole organization.

Review-and-Approve Workflow
Custom workflows also allow multi-person approvals, conditional approve-reject tests, eSigning, commenting, redirections, value-based (such as invoice amount) tests with conditional routing, and much more. Review-and-Approve workflows also accommodate required response times and out-of-office employees.

eForms, Web Forms & eSign
Intelligent eForms substantially transform and improve manual processing tasks. eForms with workflow automation can include multilevel review-and-approve conditions, conditional logic, database lookups, eSigning, dynamic image addition, collaboration and commenting, status tracking, timing triggers, escalations, robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities, and much more.

Content Management
Extensive document and content management features include: Customized rules for dynamic folder creation, audit trails, check-in and check-out, version control, document previews, advanced document searches, document annotations, retention policies, and alerts based upon defined document activities. Easy user set up includes folders, user roles, accounts, security, and much more.

RPA and ETL power advanced workflow capabilities allowing everyone in your organization to get more done in less time. Robotic process automation (RPA) enable workflows that eliminate a wide range of repetitiave and manual data and document processing. Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) capabilities enable essential dynamic and comprehensive document manipulations, conversions, corrections and transforms.

Network Folder Management
Easily and quickly eliminate existing network folders within your organization by subsuming them into DocRecord - complete with their existing folder structure. DocRecord provides the audit trails, version control, document retention policies, user access restrictions, and security not available in network folders.