Faster invoice payments
dd the Pay Now button to invoices, pro forma invoices or statements to get paid faster Faster payments from your customers for improved cash flow
- Instant payment alternative to cheque and BACS
- Flexible & secure - all major debit and credit cards and PayPal accepted
- Easy to set up - ‘Pay Now’ button fully automated by Spindle Document Distribution
Faster payments from your customers for improved cash flow
- Instant payment alternative to cheque and BACS
- Flexible & secure - all major debit and credit cards and PayPal accepted
- Easy to set up - ‘Pay Now’ button fully automated by Spindle Document Distribution

Customizable document automations
Personalise customer communications (printed or emailed) using real-time data from Sage. Documents can then be distributed based on customer/supplier preference.
Multi-lingual emails
- Communicate to your customers and suppliers in their own language to reduce processing errors and improve business relationships.

Add extra attachments
Automatically add supporting documentation to supplier and customer emails. Reduce customer requests by attaching overdue invoices to statements. Other examples include attaching proof of shipment or time sheets to a customer invoice email.

Easy document retrieval
Save hours of time retrieving key accounting documents from a filing cabinet, with electronic document archiving. For example Sales invoices & Purchase orders can be found quickly in a configurable Windows folder path(s).