En savoir plus


Aegis Commerce Solutions, Inc. BizOps is a web-based Business Process Management software product. Functions include: Prospect, Quote and Order Management, Sales Order Based Scheduling, Advanced Inventory Management, Production Assembly and Custom Product Management, Purchasing and Receiving, Customer Gateway Portal, Vendor Gateway Portal, and more.

Mobile Access with Support for Sage 50 (both US and CA editions). Sage Business Cloud Accounting solutions are also available.


Feature Summaries

  • The system integrates with companies’ existing business management systems and can be extended outside the enterprise allowing trading partners to seamlessly interact electronically.
  • Prospect, Quote and Order Management - BizOps provides multiple order management systems including a custom order management enabling the end user to create the process that best matches their business needs, Template Management enabling templates to be created, saved, and copied to a sales order. Templates can be saved on a customer level. A standard order management process that provides visibility into availability when a SKU/Item is selected.
  • Inventory Management - Unlimited warehouse support with ability to scan items in and out of inventory. Generate a location matrix and assign products to locations with primary, secondary, locations. Products can be defined as individual identification or group identification.
  • Sales Order Scheduler - The BizOps Scheduler is driven by defined resources and events enabling auto scheduling or manual scheduling of activities such as service calls, customer visits, installations etc. Field representatives have access to their scheduled events via mobile phone and or full screen computer.
  • Fabrication Production Management - Support for assemblies and custom order production management with detailed production control. BizOps keeps track of labor and inventory consumption. Scan allocate and consume items to production. Generation of barcodes for all produced products. Advanced production control reporting.
  • Customer Gateway Portal - Our customers can offer their customers access to the BizOps Gateway Portal enabling visibility into inventory availability and the generation of draft sales orders that are confirmed by our clients.
  • Vendor Gateway Portal - This function enables vendor access to all open Purchase Orders. The vendor has ability to enter all required domestic and international shipping data, build container shipment by allocating items across all open Purchase Orders. Upon receipt our clients have the ability to reconcile receipts with open purchase orders.
  • Scheduler Gateway Portal- The Gateway Portal enables user defined access to all scheduled events via a mobile phone. All service events, installations and any other event can be scheduled in BizOps and be accessible by users in the field via a mobile phone.

Schedule on Map

All scheduled events for each resource are visible on our map software. Keep track of the status of each person in the field.

Browser-Based Example

An example of a BizOps browser-based software application and its features.

Browser-Based Example

Prospect, Quote and Order Management

BizOps provides multiple order management systems including:

A standard order management process that provides visibility into availability when a SKU/Item is selected.

A custom order management function enabling the end user to create the process that best matches their business needs.

Template Management enabling templates to be created, saved, and copied to a sales order. Templates can be saved on a customer level.

Prospect, Quote and Order Management

Sales Order Scheduler

The BizOps Scheduler is driven by defined resources and events enabling auto scheduling or manual scheduling of activities such as service calls, customer visits, installations etc. Field representatives have access to their scheduled events via mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Sales Order Scheduler

Inventory Center

Unlimited warehouse support with ability to scan items in and out of inventory.

Generate a location matrix and assign products to locations with primary, secondary, locations.

Products can be defined as individual identification or group identification.

Inventory Center

Production Management

Assembly support and custom order production management with access via mobile device.

Define cost and capacity for machines and resources that operate machines.

BizOps provides the ability to start and stop machine and resource activity to keep track of production cost.

Generation of barcodes for all produced products.

Advanced production control reporting.

Production Management

Customer Gateway

Offer your customers access to the BizOps Gateway, enabling visibility into inventory availability and the generation of draft sales orders that are confirmed by our clients.

Customer Gateway

Vendor Gateway

Vendors have access to all open Purchase Orders with the ability to generate shipments across open Purchase Orders. The portal supports international shipping data entry requirements. All vendor data is posted to Sage.

Bi-directional Integration

The BizOps Sage integrator is bi-directional. At the start of the integration we enable customer detail information, products, assemblies, vendors and vendor products to be synced from Sage to BizOps

Lowes Integration with Installation Made Easy (IME)

Aegis Commerce Solutions, Inc the provider of Business Process Management software, BizOps, that is integrated with QuickBooks and Sage 50 has established a business relationship with Installation Made Easy, Inc (IMEINC.Com). IME has been in the business of developing, operating and managing home improvement programs for over 25 years. IME customers are national retailers with home improvement programs. IME has a business relationship with Lowes for generator sales. We are in the process of launching our integration with IME. Leads, Appointments, Sales and Payments will be synchronized automatically between systems.

Home Depot Integration

Aegis Commerce Solutions, Inc the provider of BizOps, Business Process Management software utilized the Home Depot API to build integration for the Generator Business. Orders for generators that are created by Home Depot are automatically synchronized to BizOps.. Thereafter, our scheduling system is utilized to generate and keep track of appointments with Home Depot customers.

Auto Scheduling Customer Meetings

Our scheduling system enables resources and capacity for resources to be predefined which enables auto scheduling of both events and their associated resources.

EDI, Electronic Data Enterchange

BizOps is integrated with Electronic Data Interchange, EDI. All EDI Purchase Orders flow into BizOps as Sales Orders. All needed information is posted bidirectionally from BizOps to our clients EDI. All needed EDI forms are supported.

EASI, Embellished Activewear Standards Initiative

BizOps is integrated with EASI. All EASI Purchase Orders flow into BizOps as Sales Orders. All needed information is posted bidirectionally from BizOps to our clients EASI. All needed EASI forms are supported.

WooCommerce Add-On for Sage 50

BizOps for WooCommerce automates the process of posting all new orders entered in the WooCommerce Web Site to Sage 50. When the order is invoiced in Sage 50 we post the invoice to the WooCommerce web site.

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