En savoir plus

Real-time reporting

Our software is fully integrated with Sage. This means that you can connect your account to Compare Your Footprint and map spend with categories in our software.

Once you have mapped your categories, you will get an automated real-time conversion of your organisation’s spend into carbon emissions every time Sage is updated with new billing information.

Real-time reporting

Spend categories

You can map to the following categories which cover different operational activities across your organisation.

Spend categories available

  • Hotel stay
  • Waste
  • Vehicles
  • Textiles
  • Real Estate
  • Plastic
  • Paper
  • Metal
  • Materials
  • Manufacturing
  • Machinery
  • Information technology
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Furniture
  • Food and Drink
  • Electricity
  • Electrical items
  • Construction
  • Computers
  • Chemicals
  • Business Travel Air, Rail, Road or Sea
  • Business services
  • Advertising

All categories

Our software offers one of the most comprehensive carbon footprint measurement database of carbon conversion factors. We have worked with organisations of all sizes and industries to develop our database that goes beyond the global standards.

All categories covered

  • Downstream leased assets: Vehicles
  • Gaseous fuels
  • Gas
  • Furniture
  • Freight: Downstream, Owned Vehicles, Upstream third party
  • Food and Drink
  • Events
  • End of life sold products
  • Employee commuting: Air, Rail, Road and Sea
  • Employee car liquid fuels
  • Electricity
  • Electrical items
  • Heat and Steam
  • Downstream leased assets: Technology
  • Digital web and cloud hosting
  • Digital Network Operator
  • Digital network
  • Digital advertising
  • Construction
  • Computers
  • Chemicals
  • Business travel: Air, Road, Rail and Sea
  • Business services
  • Materials
  • Packaging
  • Metal
  • Biomass
  • Manufacturing
  • Managed Assets: Vehicles
  • Managed Assets: Electricity
  • Machinery
  • Liquid fuels
  • Information Technology
  • Hygiene
  • Household
  • Hotel stay
  • Home working
  • Supplier liquid fuels
  • Biogas
  • Biofuel
  • Apparel
  • Agriculture
  • Water
  • Waste Construction, Electrical Items, Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Textiles, Refuse, Average.
  • Vehicles
  • Use of sold products
  • Trips: Accommodation, Flights (included or excluded), Food and Drink, In Trip Transport, Packaging
  • Textiles
  • Supplier gas
  • Supplier electricity
  • Solid Fuels
  • Refrigerant
  • Real Estate
  • Plastic
  • Paper

Measure all scopes

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are broken down into three categories: scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol created these scopes as part of its Corporate Accounting Reporting Standard to provide a global framework for measuring and managing GHG emissions for all types of organisations and industries. This framework helps to prevent the “double-counting” of emissions in company reporting.

Our software can cover all scopes beyond just spend conversions.

Measure all scopes

Scopes 1, 2 & 3 explained

  • Scope 3 includes all indirect emissions that occur in an organisation’s value chain – so activities that they do not own or control. These are usually the greatest share of your organisation's carbon footprint.
  • Scope 2 includes all indirect emissions from the generation of the electricity purchased and used by an organisation at local or international sites. These emissions can be measured as location-based or market-based.  
  • Scope 1 includes all direct emissions that are generated from sources that are directly owned or controlled by an organisation. These include the use of natural gas at local or international sites, using liquid fuels to run a fleet of owned vehicles, or gases leaking from air-conditioning and refrigeration units.   

Measure unlimited sites

Your consumption data (as known as Usage Data) which is converted to carbon emissions results are measured under relevant sites (or facilities) or projects under your organisation.

You can measure carbon emissions under as many sites as you like, so offices, factories, construction sites, hotels etc. We cover all types for all industries.

Measure unlimited sites

Unlimited users

Invite as many users as needed to collaborate on your carbon footprint account.

Unlimited users

Interactive charts

Our software automatically produces interactive charts, downloadable reports in pdf format, and Excel exports of the data and emissions so you can manipulate the data and produce bespoke visualisations for reports and other platforms.

Interactive charts

Download results

Export your carbon footprint results in PDF and Excel formats to review and manipulate your consumption and emissions data to produce bespoke visualisations for reports.

Download results

Big data templates

Benefit from handy upload templates for large data sets.

Big data templates

Templates available (more to come)

  • Waste
  • Paper
  • Gas
  • Freight (with or without distance). Without connects to a Google API to measure distance automatically.
  • Food and Drink
  • Employee commuting
  • Electricity
  • Construction (waste and materials)
  • Business Travel

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