Digital Catalog
Organize your products in a digital catalog where your customers and sales reps can see products and pricing specifically assigned to them.
Multi-Variant Pricing Matrix
Your wholesale customers can order faster when you present products within a multi-variant matrix.
Customized Customer Pricing Structures
With over 15 different types of deal structures that can be implemented along with tiered pricing rules, order minimums, order maximums, and quantity multiple rules, there is rarely a pricing or deal structure the OrderEase platform can't handle.
Multi-Integration Capabilities
Integrating with all variations of your ordering channels allows you to aggregate all orders digitally into OrderEase and get delivered via a single integration from OrderEase into your Sage system. In addition to receiving order information, Sage can also push data back into OrderEase which will then distribute back into your integrated channels following each specific integration.
EDI Connectivity
OrderEase connects to channels via EDI or API. With our EDI functionality, we are able to connect you to each of your trading partners via an integrated connection, which can result in the ability to eliminate the costs and manual processes associated with accessing trading partner dashboards.
Text Notifications
Text reminders and notifications can be configured within OrderEase and allow you to schedule reminders to your customers to place orders by a specific date / time, send ad hoc notifications, or any other type of SMS notification.