Technisoft Service Manager
Job Cost Management
Service Manager's Document Entry program enables in-depth control of job costing. Enter or view Jobs, Sales, Quotes, Templates, Meter Agreements, Site Agreements, Warranty Agreements, Historic Jobs and Recurring Jobs.
Actual vs. Budget
- Compare actual revenue and costs to budgets
- See Gross Profit and Net Profit/Loss
- Click detail lines in the Document tree to see revenue, costs and budgets for that line only

Agreement Management
Agreements can be easily created using the step-by-step Wizard feature. Agreements can be set to auto-renew and have recurring invoices generated during the specified period.
Site Agreements
- Site Agreements are contracts sold to Customers in advance. They are used to cover all or certain Equipment at one or more Customer Sites. When a Job is entered, Service Manager checks if a Site Agreement is in place and verifies which Equipment is covered by the Agreement, and to what extent. The Customer will not be charged for the Services or Items covered by the Agreement during the term of the Agreement.
Meter Agreements
- Meter Agreements are documents in Service Manager used to create a contract of cover for a particular piece or pieces of Equipment that may have a meter attached. Meter Agreements are used to process the automatic billing of Meter readings. Meters are often read on a recurring basis, and the Meter Document is processed based on the meter values logged at the time of reading. Service and Item detail lines on a Meter Agreement can be set up to allow for many different types of calculations based on the usage or reading value. These can then be used to raise an Invoice document based on these calculations.
Warranty Agreement
- A Warranty Agreement is a "service agency" agreement that you have with Manufacturers or Vendors. Warranty Agreements cover Equipment only and can be used to maintain claims to the Manufacturer of the Equipment for service work and parts used to repair the Equipment covered under Manufacturer warranty. A Warranty Agreement applies to a particular Model and can cover all Equipment for that Model or selected Equipment for that Model.
Equipment Faults and Solutions
Reported problems with equipment can be searched in the database or added as a new problem. Service Manager can manage customer returns and warranty repairs.

Resource Management
Advanced Scheduling is a powerful, calendar based scheduling tool capable of the most demanding operational requirements.
3 pivot views, Calendar, Job List and Timeline, provide a clear picture of utilization and availability while being fully integrated to the back-end accounting and job system.
Calendar View
- Simply draw on the calendar to create an appointment. Rescheduling is as easy as dragging and dropping to another resource. Colour appointments by status, priority, zone, job type, service centre, and find a free technician by time available, skill, work group, or utilization capacity
- Live integration with field technicians. Dispatch appointments to field technician's mobile phones or tablets and monitor onsite time recordings in real time.
- Maps, routing, alerts, email and sync to Outlook.